Monday, March 3

I don't have much to here is a list of randomness.

  • I LOVE Big Brother this season. The reason I love it, you ask? I think there is a BIG twist coming. I think they will start playing as individuals instead of couples and bring back some people who have been evicted. Just a thought... :)
  • High School Reunion is coming back!! This was one of my favorite reality shows in college. J-Walk and I watched it all the time together.
  • If you are wondering if I am addicted to reality TV...the answer is yes.
  • I am so ready to move out of Lubbock...we are hoping this will happen by this summer. If Amy, Andy and Charlie are leaving, there is NO way we are staying here!
  • Did anyone else LOVE the cold snowy weather this morning and then walk outside to the sunshine and become totally depressed? Ok, maybe that was just me. I LOVE cold snowy days.
  • I still have a couple of blog layouts to complete for people, and I keep putting it off. Sitting on the computer on the weekend after spending 40 hours on it during the week just doesn't seem appealing.
  • As I type, my cubicle neighbor is talking about her pregnancy that wasn't planned....quite depressing.
  • I wish I wasn't at work right now, knowing when I get off at 5:00 I have another job to go to.

The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am totally with you on big brother. I dont care if its a filler or not. I love it!!

I am opposite of you on the weather. I loved the lovely day yesterday, I wore shorts and went to a cook out. Today I was depressed when the snow was blowing around. The only good thing about it was that I got to drink some yummy hot chocolate!!