Monday, January 7


So, I am 26 today. I don't know why...but that sounds SO much older than 25. I have already had many birthday dinners over the weekend :)
Amy, Andy and Charlie took Michael and I to Johnny Carino's Friday night. It was, of course, fabulous.
For lunch on Saturday, my good friends from college, Jamie and Dee Dee came into town with their spouses and we went to Cheddar's and then to Main Event! I was so pumped. I won another HUGE ball from the huge claw game.
Saturday night, my good friends from here, Chrissi, Erin and Jessica took me to The Cotton Patch for dinner. I used to think it was "one of those places" but have grown to love it :) Yesterday, Michael and I went to lunch at Rudy's and then over to Dustee's so I could pick out my birthday present. He bought me a new purse and matching wallet. LOVE it.
So tonight...we are going to dinner. I haven't decided where but I'm sure it will be fabulous.

And here is an old school picture, for your viewing pleasure.


Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! I wanted to post on your facebook, but I can't get there from school. Love you!

FeedingYourMind said...

HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY!! Welcome to the "old" club! ;)

Kristin said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Melo. The pic you posted I think was your one year old pic. You sure were a cutie and still am. I may be a bit prejudice. I'm glad you have had so many great BD celebrations. Your friends are remarkable and of course your Michael is adorable. Have a wonderful day my dear daughter. I threw that sappy part in just to have make you make that wonderful face you make that only a mother can appreciate since she has seen it since you were tiny.

Lauren said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

Katey said...

I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping for a mullett picture. :) Love you, and I'm glad you've gotten to celebrate lots for your 26th- you deserve it. And I'm impressed that you ate at the Cotton Patch... you're growing up Mel.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Yay for fun birthdays!!

DeeDee Price said...

happy birthday girl! It was fun to see you this weekend. Love ya!

Fabulous K said...

Happy Birthday!

Thanks for the sweet comment & thank you for visiting my blog! :)

Denae said...

Happy Birthday!

I feel the same way about Cotton Patch. And I've wondered if Main Event was any I might have to try it out.

pruittsplace said...

hey ... what's up? happy birthday to you! it's good to hear from you... and see an old school picture. nice polkas!
yeah, lolo is c-c-c-c-razy! she's my wrestling buddy. we'll have to get coop in on it now. aubrey is a little more delicate - physically. lolo is just as sensitive. bottom line... they are awesome.
laters... i'll check in later. i'm putting up some pics of coops smile!